Blake Paul’s prowess in the backcountry has pushed him to the forefront of the scene as one of the most awed shredders in the space. From breakout video parts in Snowboarder Mag’s “Forward” and on through his memorable part in Van’s “Landline” and beyond, Blake has become what I like to call a “chairlift name.” His riding style, his trick selection, his performance at NST, all common discussion points for a shredder on the lift.
You recently took residence in SLC for the winter - Rose and Thorne living in SLC? (best part/worst part)
The major thorn that you’ll hear from everyone is how the summers are so hot, or the air quality. But yea it’s true, you gotta escape in the summer if you have the means to, also who wants to just stay in one place all year.
The best parts are the mountains and people. I fell in love with riding Brighton and accessing the terrain there. Most of my close friends live in the area, there’s always a lot going on and people to see. Plus SLC is easy to travel out of and close to Jackson WY, where I grew up riding.
Who is your preferred Brighton guide?
Seth Huot “The General” and of course Griffin Siebert “The King of the Wasatch”. Seth’s got that youthful energy mixed with years of experience riding Brighton, he knows the name of every nook and cranny around that whole zone. The history of Brighton in snowboarding gets me really hyped, I love recognizing spots from old videos and trying to go find them.

You are a man who bounces around between quite a few places - can you give us the loose run-down of where you find yourself throughout the year?
Yea for sure, mostly between SLC, Jackson WY, and California. I'm fortunate to spend my late summers/falls in the Encinitas area. I’ve been surfing and skating for about as long as I’ve been snowboarding and I'm passionate about them as well. After growing up in mountain towns It’s nice to get a break from that scene and live in a completely different environment.
How did you come to work with Seamus on this project?
I’ve always wanted to work with Seamus on something. I’m a fan of everything he makes and his general creative aesthetic. He’s super easy going, down to work hard, and makes sure that the project turns out the best it could be. We have the same taste in music, videos, style, all that. I knew if we were going to make a personality piece it would be important to have someone I was comfortable being around too. He brings the good vibes to any day.
This is your first energy drink sponsor. What made you choose to go with Ashoc vs other energy drinks in the space?
I was approached by Ashoc through a few friends, then connected with the manager Ben and president Scot. It felt like they were looking out for my best interest and understood what I had to offer clearly. There was no forced marketing or expectations. The freedom was there for me to do whatever I wanted to do, they were down to support creating projects with my friends. Overall it feels like a natural partnership. I was reluctant in my younger years to partner with an energy drink because it seemed corny. I looked up to the people that made careers without them. There was also an element of my own ego involved, I grew out of that. I’m stoked on what Ashoc can contribute to snowboarding. This day in age I think it’s important for snowboarders to, yes choose what's right for them, but also understand that there’s a lot of support that can come from brands that are outside our industry. Also Ashoc’s ingredients played a big role, no sugar, plant powered caffeine, no chemical preservatives, electrolytes, BCAAs, etc. Just felt like a healthier route to go.

Can you touch on the importance (as you see it) of drink sponsors supporting action sports?
We don’t live in the heyday of snowboarding anymore. Anyone who’s passionate about finding a career in snowboarding should be open to every avenue that's out there, with respect to everyone's own opinions. Major video projects, giveback events/organizations, contests, travel budget and salaries for pros/filmers/photographers that couldn't do their job without them, you name it, a plethora of energy drinks have played a part in supporting what we do.
Was it a shock (Ashoc) to your friends when you told them you had an energy drink sponsor?
Actually not really, everyone was pretty hyped and supportive overall. I’m excited for any of my friends who create new partnerships that they're happy with. Especially if that support allows them to have more opportunity within snowboarding and life.
Was the Danimals “loaded with potassium!” line rehearsed, or just a natural reaction?
(Laughs) That was all natural. I think that was Dan’s first Ashoc, got him juiced up.
Is it hard finding new spots at Brighton or is that not even an option?
It gets harder every year and sometimes it feels like we have to go deeper and deeper, but also sometimes we’ll find something to hit right under the lift. With Brighton’s rich history in snowboarding I doubt there’s much left that hasn’t been hit though. It’s all about how the snow fills in that year, and what features work well with certain tricks. I think it’s the perfect place for people to get out there and learn to build backcountry spots for the first time. The whole area reminds me of a video game level from Amped, or one of those cartoon maps with all the spots labeled out on it.
I have to know, did you replace the lost blender?
Yea I was using Parker Szumowski’s for a while then finally upgraded to the Ninja Nutri Bullet Pro. It’s loud af and rips.
Will we see you at NST this year?