Welcome back to JUICED, our new, biweekly web column where we hand a special guest the aux cord of life and ask them to hit us with what’s good. Guest #2 is a man of many talents, and even more nicknames, whose humorous, carefree approach to snowboarding—and life—provides vital safe harbor from contemporary culture’s storm of self-importance.
Someday, in the event we untangle ourselves from metric mania and delusions of grandeur, someone will discover the visionary contributions of Ethan Morgan and their avatar will exclaim, “Well, at least one of them got it!” Let’s hear a warm, wish-you-were-here welcome for Mr. AJ Ethan Morgan Freemanson.
Vinyl DJing
I’ve always had mad respect for DJs who play all vinyl sets, so I started getting into it myself. It just amazes me to hold the music in your hands and watch a needle pick up waves and make such a clean sound, whether it's old school hip hop, disco funk, metal or some deeeeep house tunes.
Natural Selection
I have been bored with how the competition scene has been evolving. Very monotone and nothing new happening. Only more spins and flips. It was so refreshing to see this go down last winter. We need more of this kind of events that will make snowboarding more appealing to the general public.
Bashing the shit out of cymbals and making loud noises never fails to let some steam off.
Being a vegetarian forces you to be creative in the kitchen, and cooking a good meal can be very therapeutic.
It is such a great feeling to go out into the woods, leave the phone at home and sit down for an hour and just enjoy the sounds and colors of nature.
I know it's been going off in the US lately, but fuck me, I can’t wait to get out and mingle with a bunch of strangers at a heavy rave and lose complete control of myself.